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Create a Paketo Buildpack

If the entire Cloud Native Buildpack experience is new to you, you may want to stop and take some time to read about authoring a Cloud Native Buildpack (CNB). Packit is a Go library that is an abstraction that conforms to the CNB specification that takes a minimal approach in terms of the features that are implemented giving a lot of fine control to the buildpack author.

This tutorial’s goal is to take you from nothing to a buildpack that puts a dependency on the filesystem as fast as possible, so with that let’s get started!



For complete documentation of the Packit library, you can browse the godocs linked above. In the interest of saving you time, let’s talk about the three artifacts that will need to be present in our final built buildpack. In the end we will need a buildpack.toml file, a bin/detect binary, and a bin/build binary for this buildpack to be CNB compliant.


You will need the following tools installed on your machine to aid you in building and testing your buildpack.

Let’s Get Started

For demonstration purposes we are going to build a buildpack that installs a nodejs engine, which is based off the Paketo node-engine.

A sample repository containing all of the code is here. To start a brand new Go project all you need to do is create a new directory to contain you project run the following command:

go mod init </path/to/project>
copy to clipboard


The buildpack.toml file should contain the following:

# Indicates compatibility version with lifecycle
api = "0.2"

# General metadata about the buildpack that is used be the lifecycle
  id = "com.example.node-engine"
  name = "Node Engine Buildpack"
  version = "0.0.1"

# The list of stacks that the buildpack itself is compatible with
  id = "io.buildpacks.stacks.jammy"
copy to clipboard


Note: For a complete rundown on how the Detect Phase works you can read the Detect Phase section in the packit godocs.

In the Packit library, there is a packit.Detect() function that consumes a packit.DetectFunc. The packit.DetectFunc is created by buildpack authors and contains all of the buildpack specific detection logic. So with that let’s write some code and talk about it.


package main

import (

func main() {
copy to clipboard


package node

import (

func Detect() packit.DetectFunc {
	return func(context packit.DetectContext) (packit.DetectResult, error) {
		return packit.DetectResult{}, fmt.Errorf("always fail")
copy to clipboard

Alright let’s talk about this for a minute. With these pieces of code, we have written a buildpack that will always detect false. The reason that we’ve split out the definition of the packit.DetectFunc into its own package is that this allows us to separate Packit related code from any actual business specific logic of the buildpack. All buildpack specific business logic will go into the node package from now on. This may seem small but if you plan on potentially expanding this buildpack we highly recommend that you follow this structure.

To test out progress so far we can build the detect binary ourselves with the following command:

GOOS=linux go build -ldflags="-s -w" -o ./bin/detect ./cmd/detect/main.go
copy to clipboard

Once you’ve done that you should be able to use the pack cli to try and build a container for a nodejs app. For the purposes of this demonstration I will be using the following simple app from the node-engine repo linked above. The following command will allow you to build the app:

pack build <app-name> \
  --path <path/to/app> \
  --buildpack <path/to/project> \
  --builder paketobuildpacks/builder-jammy-base \
copy to clipboard
View Output
[detector] ======== Output: com.example.node-engine@0.0.1 ========
[detector] always fail
[detector] ======== Results ========
[detector] err:  com.example.node-engine@0.0.1 (1)
[detector] ERROR: No buildpack groups passed detection.
[detector] ERROR: Please check that you are running against the correct path.
[detector] ERROR: failed to detect: no buildpacks participating
ERROR: failed with status code: 6

Now that we have a skeleton laid out let’s make it do something more useful than just fail all of the time.

To do that we need to dive into the concept of provides and requires. If you want to read the buildpacks specification for provides and requires you can look here.

Quick summary: A buildpack’s detect binary has as part of it packit.DetectResult pass out a packit.BuildPlan in which there is a list of provisions and requirements. A buildpack can state that it provides dependencies or that it requires dependencies or it can both require and provide dependencies. A buildpack can only detect true if all of its provides match up with requires from itself or a subsequent buildpacks in a buildpack sequence and that all of is requires match up with provides from itself or previous buildpacks in a sequence of buildpacks.

In our situation, our buildpack is the only one running in the sequence so in order for us to pass detection we have to both provide node as a dependency but we also need to require node as well. So let’s go implement that provide and require relationship in our detect code.


package node

import (

func Detect() packit.DetectFunc {
	return func(context packit.DetectContext) (packit.DetectResult, error) {
		return packit.DetectResult{
			Plan: packit.BuildPlan{
				Provides: []packit.BuildPlanProvision{
					{Name: "node"},
				Requires: []packit.BuildPlanRequirement{
					{Name: "node"},
		}, nil
copy to clipboard

Let’s do a quick rundown of what is happening now. In the packit.DetectResult we are now returning a Plan. Inside that plan we state that this buildpack provides the node dependency and that it requires the node dependency. If you were to run the code that the used to build and test our code earlier you should get something that look like this:

GOOS=linux go build -ldflags="-s -w" -o ./bin/detect ./cmd/detect/main.go
pack build <app-name> \
  --path <path/to/app> \
  --buildpack <path/to/project> \
  --builder paketobuildpacks/builder-jammy-base \
copy to clipboard
View Output
[detector] ======== Results ========
[detector] pass: com.example.node-engine@0.0.1
[detector] Resolving plan... (try #1)
[detector] com.example.node-engine 0.0.1
[analyzer] Previous image with name "" not found
[builder] ERROR: failed to build: fork/exec /cnb/buildpacks/com.example.node-engine/0.0.1/bin/build: no such file or directory
ERROR: failed with status code: 7

As you can see detection now passes! However, we still get an error because we have no build binary yet, so let’s fix that.


For a complete on how the Build Phase works you can read the Build Phase section in the packit godocs, but once again I will give you a quick overview. The Packit library has a packit.Build() function which consumes a packit.BuildFunc which contains all of the buildpack specific build logic and is written by us. So lets put down some skeleton code.


package main

import (
	"<path/to/project or<some-org or some-user>/<some-repo>>/node"

func main() {
copy to clipboard


package node

import (


func Build() packit.BuildFunc {
	return func(context packit.BuildContext) (packit.BuildResult, error) {
		return packit.BuildResult{}, fmt.Errorf("always fail")
copy to clipboard

We have now written some code that will cause our build process to fail every time. You can test that by ensuring that you have a detect binary built and then by running the following command to build your build binary and run pack build:

GOOS=linux go build -ldflags="-s -w" -o ./bin/build ./cmd/build/main.go
pack build <app-name> \
  --path <path/to/app> \
  --buildpack <path/to/project> \
  --builder paketobuildpacks/builder-jammy-base \
copy to clipboard
View Output
[detector] ======== Results ========
[detector] pass: com.example.node-engine@0.0.1
[detector] Resolving plan... (try #1)
[detector] com.example.node-engine 0.0.1
[analyzer] Previous image with name "" not found
[builder] always fail
[builder] ERROR: failed to build: exit status 1
ERROR: failed with status code: 7

Now that we have a build process set up let’s talk about how we are going to add our dependency to our final image. To pass dependency metadata into the build process we use the buildpack.toml and add the following fields:

    uri = ""
copy to clipboard

Let’s talk about the chunk we just added.

# This holds section holds buildpack specific metadata
    # The uri for the dependency that is compatible with the stack you are running against
    uri = ""
copy to clipboard

So let’s add some code that parses the uri field out. For toml parsing we generally use BurntSushi’s TOML Library, so with that let’s write up some quick parsing code.


package node

import (


func Build() packit.BuildFunc {
	return func(context packit.BuildContext) (packit.BuildResult, error) {
		file, err := os.Open(filepath.Join(context.CNBPath, "buildpack.toml"))
		if err != nil {
			return packit.BuildResult{}, err

		var m struct {
			Metadata struct {
				Dependencies []struct {
					URI string `toml:"uri"`
				} `toml:"dependencies"`
			} `toml:"metadata"`
		_, err = toml.DecodeReader(file, &m)
		if err != nil {
			return packit.BuildResult{}, err

		uri := m.Metadata.Dependencies[0].URI
		fmt.Printf("URI -> %s", uri)

		return packit.BuildResult{}, fmt.Errorf("always fail")
copy to clipboard

Compiling our build executable and running pack build should produce the following:

GOOS=linux go build -ldflags="-s -w" -o ./bin/build ./cmd/build/main.go
pack build <app-name> \
  --path <path/to/app> \
  --buildpack <path/to/project> \
  --builder paketobuildpacks/builder-jammy-base \
copy to clipboard
View Output
[detector] ======== Results ========
[detector] pass: com.example.node-engine@0.0.1
[detector] Resolving plan... (try #1)
[detector] com.example.node-engine 0.0.1
[analyzer] Previous image with name "" not found
[builder] URI ->
[builder] ERROR: failed to build: exit status 1
[builder] always fail
ERROR: failed with status code: 7

Now that we have the URI of the dependency that we need to download, let’s set up the layer structure for the dependency to be installed on to. We do that with the following piece:

package node

import (


func Build() packit.BuildFunc {
	return func(context packit.BuildContext) (packit.BuildResult, error) {
		file, err := os.Open(filepath.Join(context.CNBPath, "buildpack.toml"))
		if err != nil {
			return packit.BuildResult{}, err

		var m struct {
			Metadata struct {
				Dependencies []struct {
					URI string `toml:"uri"`
				} `toml:"dependencies"`
			} `toml:"metadata"`
		_, err = toml.DecodeReader(file, &m)
		if err != nil {
			return packit.BuildResult{}, err

		uri := m.Metadata.Dependencies[0].URI
		fmt.Printf("URI -> %s", uri)

		nodeLayer, err := context.Layers.Get("node")
		if err != nil {
			return packit.BuildResult{}, err

		nodeLayer, err = nodeLayer.Reset()
		if err != nil {
			return packit.BuildResult{}, err

		nodeLayer.Launch = true

		return packit.BuildResult{}, fmt.Errorf("always fail")
copy to clipboard

Let’s talk about the context.Layers.Get() function and the nodeLayer.Reset() function individually. The packit.Layers.Get() function takes in the name of a layer and returns a packit.Layer object that has been populated with any metadata that exists from previous builds of your app. This metadata can be useful in determining whether or not a layer can be reused from cache but we don’t need to worry about that for now. The packit.Layer.Reset() function clears all of the metadata and existing files restored from cache for the given layer, giving a clean slate to work with. Finally, nodeLayer.Launch = true lets the lifecycle know that this layer needs to be available during the launch phase. Now that we have our layers set up, let’s download our dependency and untar it onto the layer.

package node

import (


func Build() packit.BuildFunc {
	return func(context packit.BuildContext) (packit.BuildResult, error) {
		file, err := os.Open(filepath.Join(context.CNBPath, "buildpack.toml"))
		if err != nil {
			return packit.BuildResult{}, err

		var m struct {
			Metadata struct {
				Dependencies []struct {
					URI string `toml:"uri"`
				} `toml:"dependencies"`
			} `toml:"metadata"`
		_, err = toml.DecodeReader(file, &m)
		if err != nil {
			return packit.BuildResult{}, err

		uri := m.Metadata.Dependencies[0].URI
		fmt.Printf("URI -> %s\n", uri)

		nodeLayer, err := context.Layers.Get("node")
		if err != nil {
			return packit.BuildResult{}, err

		nodeLayer, err = nodeLayer.Reset()
		if err != nil {
			return packit.BuildResult{}, err

		nodeLayer.Launch = true

		downloadDir, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "downloadDir")
		if err != nil {
			return packit.BuildResult{}, err
		defer os.RemoveAll(downloadDir)

		fmt.Println("Downloading dependency...")
		err = exec.Command("curl",
			"-o", filepath.Join(downloadDir, "node.tar.xz"),
		if err != nil {
			return packit.BuildResult{}, err

		fmt.Println("Untaring dependency...")
		err = exec.Command("tar",
			filepath.Join(downloadDir, "node.tar.xz"),
			"-C", nodeLayer.Path,
		if err != nil {
			return packit.BuildResult{}, err

		return packit.BuildResult{
			Plan: context.Plan,
			Layers: []packit.Layer{
		}, nil
copy to clipboard

If you rebuild the build binary and run the pack build command once more you will finally have your first successful build, HOORAY!

GOOS=linux go build -ldflags="-s -w" -o ./bin/build ./cmd/build/main.go
pack build <app-name> \
  --path <path/to/app> \
  --buildpack <path/to/project> \
  --builder paketobuildpacks/builder-jammy-base \
copy to clipboard

The additional lines that were added are fairly straightforward, we create a temporary directory to put out downloaded tarball into in order to make sure that we don’t pollute our image. We then download the dependency tarball with a curl command and untar the resulting tarball directly in the nodeLayer path using tar on the command line. It is worth noting that this is not the most efficient way of handling this in Go, but for demonstration purposes it is the most straightforward. You may notice that we use the --strip-components flag on our tar commands because this particular tarball comes with a top level directory before you reach the lib, bin, and include directories. We want these directories to be at the top level of our layer path because these files are interpreted directly by the lifecycle, which you can read more about here. With this you have a perfectly functional buildpack, which you can test by running a pack build like we did earlier and then running the following docker command if you are using the simple app indicated earlier:

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -e PORT=8080 <app-name> "node server.js"
copy to clipboard

You can then verify that this is running by either running:

curl http://localhost:8080
copy to clipboard
View Output
hello world

or visiting http://localhost:8080 in your web browser. Either way you should expect to see “hello world” as your output.


Last modified: February 28, 2025